昨天,勇士主场104-94战胜凯尔特人,总决赛大比分3-2领先,维金斯近两场比赛发挥出色,是勇士队取得胜利的重要功臣。今天凌晨,美媒Hoop Central晒出2020年勇士队和森林狼队关于拉塞尔和维金斯的交易,这笔交易,谁亏谁赚?引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论。

Hoop Central:Looking back at the Warriors x Wolves trade in 2020:
The Warriors traded D'Angelo Russell, Omari Spellman, and Jacob Evans to the Wolves for Andrew Wiggins, 2021 1st-Round Pick (which turned into Jonathan Kuminga), and a 2nd-Round Pick.
Hoop Central:回顾 2020 年勇士队和森林狼队的交易:
勇士队将德安吉洛·拉塞尔、奥马里·斯佩尔曼和雅各布·埃文斯交易到森林狼队,换来安德鲁·威金斯、2021 年第一轮选秀权(后来选中了乔纳森·库明加)和一个第二轮选秀权。

Let’s not act like it was a bad trade.
Russell is still better on the offensive end. Wiggins is the better defender. Trade worked on both ends. DLo has already led a team to the playoffs as a #1 option

DLO averaged less points than Rudy gobert who was the second worst scorer during the playoffs. DLO just ain’t that guy
Warriors won that trade by far. Wiggins is a borderline all-star player while Dlo struggle every other games
Wiggins literally made the all star team this year. Not really borderline

Timeline after the trade
2020: Both missed playoffs (Wolves draft Edwards)
2021: Both missed playoffs (Warriors draft Kuminga)
2022: Both make playoffs (Warriors to the Finals) It worked out nicely for both
2020 年:双方都错过了季后赛(森林狼队选秀选中爱德华兹)