06月30日讯 勇士前锋德雷蒙德-格林近日在JJ-雷迪克的播客节目中谈到了总决赛对手。
当被问到面对缺少总决赛经验的凯尔特人是否更容易,格林说:“因为我们没有面对勒布朗-詹姆斯,所以它更容易(原文:It’s easier because we’re not playing LeBron James, )。他们在新闻发布会上问我一个问题,比如‘和凯尔特人交手与和勒布朗交手相比的篮球智商感觉如何’,我的回答是‘闭嘴’。我们在说什么呢?当你没有对阵勒布朗-詹姆斯的时候,事情会变得更容易,他是我们这项比赛的终极大脑。所以你不想跟他下棋。和别人下棋要容易得多,但和勒布朗下棋就不一样了( 原文:They asked me a question in a press conference like ‘How does the IQs rank against Boston versus LeBron' and it’s like shut up. What are we talking about? It’s easier when you’re not playing LeBron James, who is the ultimate mastermind in our game. So you’re not playing that chess match with him. It’s a lot easier to play a chess match against anybody else, but against LeBron it’s different.)。
“勒布朗可以让他的球员们为即将到来的比赛做好准备。艾尔-霍福德无法让他们为即将发生的事情做好准备。所以你要知道,这并不是对艾尔-霍福德的不尊重。(“And Bron can prepare his guys for what’s to come. Al Horford couldn’t prepare them for what’s to come, so you know that going in, no disrespect to Al Horford.“)”