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常驻编辑 体育彩票资讯 2022-08-02 薪资   篮筐   联盟   球员   男模   收视率   年薪   报酬   收入   女子   美元   建议   女性

Yes, LeBron made more than half of what the WNBA grossed, but framing it that way doesn't suit the narrative that women players (who ARE just as talented/marketable as the men) deserve money their promoters didn't earn (though they should have)29O拜客生活常识网


They aren’t just as talented man. Who in the WNBA has as much talent as Steph, Lebron, Giannis, etc? Come on.29O拜客生活常识网



Change the rules for the WNBA to make it easier for them and create better highlights, hence viewership29O拜客生活常识网

Make it more accessible for viewership and not make strict laws on viewership like the NBA to get more fans and interest29O拜客生活常识网

Get more fans and get the court filled up29O拜客生活常识网


而不是像 NBA 那样对收视率制定严格的规定,以吸引更多的球迷和兴趣 获得更多的球迷,让球场坐满人29O拜客生活常识网


Now have them compare how much male vs female models are paid.29O拜客生活常识网

Top Females are paid 20x what males are paid.29O拜客生活常识网

e.g. Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen, $30 million, the top male model of 2016, Sean O’Pry, reportedly earned $1.5 million.29O拜客生活常识网




Simple. If women actually watched the WNBA, we wouldn't have this problem. If women actually supported other women then they'd be getting paid more because viewership would be up. They need to stop trying to make men care, women should care.29O拜客生活常识网


makes sense since lebron is around 3x as skilled as the entire wnba combined29O拜客生活常识网


Not true! Absolutely 3x more athletic! But those women are incredibly skilled.29O拜客生活常识网

不是这样的! 运动能力绝对是3倍! 但那些女子球员的技术令人难以置信。29O拜客生活常识网

When T-Mac suggested lowering the rims so women can have dunking highlights some of the WNBA players got offended and defensive. It was a legit good suggestion and they didn't wanna take it..29O拜客生活常识网



Pick one: You can go to six wnba games, see all 12 teams/all players in the league Or Go to 1 NBA game and see LeBron play any other NBA team That’s why this makes sense.29O拜客生活常识网



The top 80 players all make more. This is for 22-23


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