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虎扑11月14日讯 根据ESPN曼彻斯特方面记者Mark Odgen(被曼联球迷多次吐槽的Mo)的最新报道,正如ESPN上个月报道的那样,自从C罗明确表示他想在夏天离开曼联以来,曼联已经准备好让C罗自由转会离开老特拉福德。
(A United source has since told ESPN: “There is a view that we have kept him hostage, told him he has to stay, but nothing could be further from the truth.“)
(Back in the summer, there was no interest from other clubs in a player earning £500,000 a week and with his 38th birthday approaching in February. The same remains the case now. Basically, United can't even give Ronaldo away. Much of that is down to clubs being wary of signing a player whose global status is so great that it gives him a sense of being able to do what he wants. Nobody wants to sign a player who will cause unrest within the squad.)