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常驻编辑 科普中国 2022-07-18 标准   特性   定义   概念   类型

a. std::integral – specifies the type should be an integral typegV0拜客生活常识网

b. std::boolean – specifies the type can be used as a boolean typegV0拜客生活常识网

c. std::move_constructible – specifies that the object of a particular type can be constructed using the move semanticsgV0拜客生活常识网

d. std::movable – specifies that the object of a certain type T can be movedgV0拜客生活常识网

e. std::signed_integral – says the type is both integral and is a signed integralgV0拜客生活常识网

20.3 Lambda Templates

We can now use template syntax in our lambda functions . Example:gV0拜客生活常识网

auto mylambda = [](T param)
    // code

For example, to printout the generic type name, using a templated lambda expression, we would write:gV0拜客生活常识网

int main()
    auto mylambda = [](T param)
        std::cout << typeid(T).name() << '
    std::vector v = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    mylambda(v); // integer
    std::vector v2 = { 3.14, 123.456, 7.13 };
    mylambda(v2); // double

20.4 [likely] and [unlikely] Attributes

If we know that some paths of execution are more likely to be executed than others, we can help the compiler optimize the code by placing attributes. We use the [[likely]] attribute before the statement that is more likely to be executed. We can also put the [[unlikely]] attribute before the statement that is unlikely to be executed. For example, the attributes can be used on case branches inside the switch statement:gV0拜客生活常识网

void mychoice(int i)
    switch (i)
    [[likely]] case 1:
        std::cout << "Likely to be executed.";
    [[unlikely]] case 2:
        std::cout << "Unlikely to be executed.";
int main()

If we want to use these attributes on the if-else branches, we write:gV0拜客生活常识网

int main()
    bool choice = true;
    if (choice) [[likely]]
        std::cout << "This statement is likely to be executed.";
    else [[unlikely]]
        std::cout << "This statement is unlikely to be executed.";

20.5 Ranges

A range, in general, is an object that refers to a range of elements. The new C++20 ranges feature is declared inside a header. The ranges themselves are accessed via the std::ranges name. With classic containers such as an std::vector, if we want to sort the data, we would use:gV0拜客生活常识网

int main()
    std::vector v = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
    for (auto el : v)
        std::cout << el << '

The std::sort function accepts vector’s .begin() and end() iterators. With ranges, it is much simpler, we just provide the name of the range, without iterators:gV0拜客生活常识网

int main()
    std::vector v = { 3, 5, 2, 1, 4 };
    for (auto el : v)
        std::cout << el << '

Ranges have a feature called adaptors. One of the range adaptors is views. The views adaptors are accessed via std::ranges::views. Views are not owning. They cannot change the values of the underlying elements. It is also said they are lazily executed. This means the code from the views adaptors will not be executed until we iterate over the result of such views.gV0拜客生活常识网

Let us create an example which uses range views


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