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常驻编辑 科普中国 2022-08-15 循环体   可读性   数组   指针   抽象   容器   语法   条件   代码   测试

In programming, sometimes there is a need to perform some operation more than once or (say) n number of times. Loops come into use when we need to repeatedly execute a block of statements.m5K拜客生活常识网


4 types of loops:m5K拜客生活常识网

① Entry Controlled loops: while loop, for loopm5K拜客生活常识网

② Exit Controlled Loops:m5K拜客生活常识网

③ Range-based for loopm5K拜客生活常识网

④ For_each loopm5K拜客生活常识网


1 Entry Controlled loops

In this type of loop, the test condition is tested before entering the loop body. For Loop and While Loop is entry-controlled loops.m5K拜客生活常识网


1.1 for loopm5K拜客生活常识网

#include  int main(){    int i=0;         for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)    {        printf( "Hello World
");       }     return 0;}

1.2 while loopm5K拜客生活常识网

#include  int main(){    // initialization expression    int i = 1;    // test expression    while (i < 6)    {        printf( "Hello World
");           // update expression        i++;    }     return 0;}

2 Exit Controlled Loops:

In this type of loop the test condition is tested or evaluated at the end of the loop body. Therefore, the loop body will execute at least once, irrespective of whether the test condition is true or false. the do-while loop is exit controlled loop.m5K拜客生活常识网

在这种类型的循环中,在循环体的末端测试或评估测试条件。因此,无论测试条件是真还是假,循环体将至少执行一次。do while循环是出口控制循环。m5K拜客生活常识网

#include  int main(){    int i = 2; // Initialization expression     do    {        // loop body        printf( "Hello World
");            // update expression        i++;     }  while (i < 1);   // test expression     return 0;}

3 Range-based for loop

Range-based for loop in C++ is added since C++ 11. It executes a for loop over a range. Used as a more readable equivalent to the traditional for loop operating over a range of values, such as all elements in a container.m5K拜客生活常识网



for ( range_declaration : range_expression )     loop_statementParameters :range_declaration : a declaration of a named variable, whose type is the type of the element of the sequence represented by range_expression, or a reference to that type.Often uses the auto specifier for automatic type deduction.range_expression : any expression that represents a suitable sequence or a braced-init-list.loop_statement : any statement, typically a compound statement, whichis the body of the loop.

code demo:m5K拜客生活常识网

#include #include #include int main() {    // Iterating over whole array    std::vector v = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};    for (auto i : v)        std::cout << i << ' ';          std::cout << '
';          // the initializer may be a braced-init-list    for (int n : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5})        std::cout     


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