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常驻编辑 科普中国 2022-09-05 北大西洋   西非   山口   科学家   苏格兰   大行星   火山口   小行星   千米   恐龙   杀手   地球   发现

28 August 2022










火山口由苏格兰(Uisdean Nicholson, a geologist at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland)的Heriot-Watt大学的地理学家发现。04N拜客生活常识网

Scientists are investigating the possibility that a second asteroid hit Earth about the same time as the one believed to have killed off nearly all dinosaur life.04N拜客生活常识网

The investigation is linked to a smaller crater recently discovered in the ocean. Researchers say the crater may have been created by a large asteroid.04N拜客生活常识网

Scientists have long believed that a large asteroid hit Earth about 66 million years ago near Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula. They estimate the force of the crash to be equal to the strength of about 10 billion nuclear bombs.04N拜客生活常识网

The strike, or impact, is believed to have caused widespread wildfires, earthquakes and huge ocean waves, or tsunamis. Scientists also believe the event caused a release of chemicals into the atmosphere that led to severe cooling.04N拜客生活常识网

The climate-changing event is blamed for causing the disappearance of more than 70 percent of plant and animal life. All dinosaurs that were not bird-like died out.04N拜客生活常识网

That strike created a huge crater about 180 kilometers wide and 900 meters deep.04N拜客生活常识网

Researchers say the newly discovered crater, found in the North Atlantic Ocean, is much smaller. It is about 8.5 kilometers wide. It is buried up to 400 meters below the seabed off the coast of Guinea, in West Africa.04N拜客生活常识网

Scientists found the crater by using seismic instruments. Such tools are designed to measure earthquakes and pick up other vibration signals on Earth.


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