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It ups and downs in life, the odds that tea, the tortuous, after tasting, bitter or sweet, are simply read well, the dream of the ferry, anchor such as loose sand met, perhaps is doomed to this life is predestined friends the meet, perhaps is doomed to this life in a hurry to miss, rub shoulders in his life, had used a depth of tonal aftertaste and mediate, can tidy, twist a sunset, a curved blue greetings, is bitter.JqT拜客生活常识网

  Walk while see writing says, laughing while sadness, are destined to, shallow blue sentimental, so of waiting, in the haze, children of the time, and have a cold silence, like a naive, still as strange.JqT拜客生活常识网

  To the last page only sweet gracefuls and restrained color dyeing acacia, jasmine cowardice, smile heart is breaking, sigh life difficult again, if there really is good backing, is the dream of, peach blossom water mandarin fish fertilizer, encounter the soul fly, butterfly lovers both across the autumn rains.JqT拜客生活常识网

  Longitudinal is a read the past for an outing, a person's story as a pink ballads, two people are painting, a thick ink painting, picture of looking like a song to Trinidad, sang with changes in temperature.JqT拜客生活常识网

  Always some picture without annotation, also clear, there are always some stumbles, struggled hardly, still as first, if we say, life is not easy, excerpts situation and miss too much, but breach a drop of unusual warmth in my heart.JqT拜客生活常识网

  I use devotional text copy load, this September the fireworks madadayo nana, domain restrains and full of gap, sequence that indirect lines, to comfort.JqT拜客生活常识网

  Wake up is the feelings of sunshine, with fingertips, also smooth the movement of the ancient color sense of smell, write the lost of the old, slightly smiling that time shu li, this indifferent day jean wine storage.JqT拜客生活常识网

  Perhaps is so rough.JqT拜客生活常识网

  All say the world is too short, at the time of hidden people quiet and muddy, we have to comprehend sensitized, we learn to be grateful, grateful that gives us a rich and sweet life, no matter how the cycle of, all the way through, is the heart, with all its possible into peace, plain, daily necessities sauce vinegar tea, read a persistent a lovesickness, finally is a read haemorrheological nature.JqT拜客生活常识网

  Under cloudless chew sweet the fine water shizuru treatment wisdom true and well-being, if, looking is a kind of tolerance of nothingness, remembering the rhinoceros sleepless in fence, well-developed, worship the season seems like also accustomed to miss, sewing that hurts the scar, moved the aside the rain the whole, forward to walk into another scenery, call heaven, call man love.JqT拜客生活常识网

  But to see through the lies, some people some things, have to say forget, even if some scenery edges warm tears of canthus, treat that the prosperities, it was a stranger, a wipe a shoulder pain.JqT拜客生活常识网

  Autumn window shade, dye cream, autumn wind blowing, leaves, tree lost its, buzzing, if at this moment playing leaf calmly, in silent place, listen to the light of the moon across the heart of the lotus pond, perhaps this is such a lonely, decided to no longer listen to sad hair tip, those days a crease, ran aground in the left bank, meditation watch.JqT拜客生活常识网





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