Liu Bohan: Solo Exhibition
250 Wuxing Road, Shanghai, China
2021年4月5日至4月30日 11:00-18:00
2021/04/05-04/30 11am-6pm
预约参观 RSVP:
邮件 info@thehutengallery.com
展览现场 Exhibition Overview
刘柏含尝试通过科技手段和新媒介重新解读女性主义,将现代女性的生育选择问题从传统 媒介的桎梏中解放出来,重新审视作为独立人格的女性现所拥有的人生选项。
在作品《女士工厂 Women Factory》里,投影在老式电视机上的影片是刘柏含制作的定格动画,画面中的人物与布景由医用耗材与 医疗器械零件制作而成。刘柏含曾在广州的精神疾病康复机构实习过一段时间,几段处在不同年龄层的女 性患者经历触动了她的内心,她们仿佛将每位女性内心深藏的不愿意开启的秘密部分浓缩、放大、强化, 最后撕裂开来。
In Liu Bohan’s works, she tries to reinterpret feminism through scientific and technological means and new media, liberate the reproductive choice of modern women from the shackle of traditional media, and re-examine the life choices of women as independent personalities.
In Women Factory, the stop-motion animation that projected on an old television are made by Liu Bohan. The characters and sets are made from medical supplies and parts of medical instruments. Liu Bohan once worked as an intern in a mental health rehabilitation institution in Guangzhou. Several experiences of female patients of different ages touched her heart. They seemed to concentrate, magnify, intensify and finally tear apart the secrets hidden in every woman's heart that she is reluctant to open.

女士工厂 Women Factory
影像装置 Video Installation
综合材料 Mixed Material
Photo from Liu Bohan: Solo Exhibition at Hüten Gallery
Image courtesy of the artist: Liu Bohan and Hüten Gallery
对于当代女性,生儿育女是否还是人生终极的选项?随着科技的进步,生育的诉求能做到“有求必应”吗? 刘柏含的《求子服务站 Fetal Wishing Service Station》用交互的技术“实现”生育诉求的“回应”,在这个神龛上“供奉的”是科技,“回应”诉求的 也是科技。科技在这里仅是满足功利性诉求的新方式,一切如旧。
Is having children still the ultimate life option for modern women? With the advancement of science and technology, can the demand for procreation be met? Liu Bohan's Fetal Wishing Service Station uses interactive technology to "fulfill" the "response" of fertility appeal. What is "sacrificed" on this shrine is science and technology, and what "responds" to the appeal is also science and technology. Technology here is simply a new way of satisfying utilitarian demands, and it's the same as it was before.