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常驻编辑 旅游知识 2022-09-19 签证   外国人   领事馆   邀请函   申请人   通知书   中国   许可证   文件   工作

  • S1Visa: issued to the spouses, parents, children under the age of 18or parents-in-law of foreigners residing in China for work, study orother purposes who apply for a long-term visit to China;

  • S1签证:发给因工作、学习或其他原因在中国居住的外国人的配偶、父母、18岁以下子女或岳父母申请来中国长期访问的签证;DVx拜客生活常识网

  • S2Visa: issued to family members of foreigners staying or residing inChina for work, study or other purposes who apply for a short-termvisit to China.

  • S2签证:发给因工作、学习或其他原因在中国居住或逗留的外国人申请短期访问中国的家属。DVx拜客生活常识网

Pleasekeep in mind that the S Visa is different from the Q Visa, as theformer is dedicated to family members or relatives of Foreignersresiding in China, not for Chinese residents (Q Visa).DVx拜客生活常识网


XVisa to Study in ChinaDVx拜客生活常识网


ThisVisa is issued to applicants willing to study in China, and ispided in 2 types:DVx拜客生活常识网


  • X1visa: issued for long-term study in China;

  • X1签证:在中国长期留学;DVx拜客生活常识网

  • X2visa: issued for short-term study in China.

  • X2签证:在中国短期留学签发。DVx拜客生活常识网

ZVisa to work in ChinaDVx拜客生活常识网


ThisVisa is necessary for those who are applying for work in China.DVx拜客生活常识网


2.Howto apply for a Chinese Entry VisaDVx拜客生活常识网


Foreignnationals who intend to travel to China for the above listed reasonsshould apply for an appropriate Visa at the Chinese diplomaticmission in their residence country.DVx拜客生活常识网


Keepin mind that depending on the type of visa, different documents arerequired.DVx拜客生活常识网


Forvisa applications at the Chinese consular missions abroad, certaindocuments are always required, such as: passport, visa applicationform and a passport photo.DVx拜客生活常识网


Otherdocuments, however, change depending on the type of visa beingapplied for. For instance, for the M visa for commercial and businessactivities, an invitationletter fromthe inviting entity in China is required. The F visa requires theapplicant to submit an invitation letter provided by the invitingparty in China. For the G visa, the applicant shall submit a transitticket (air,road, rail or sea) to another country or region with the date andseat number on it.DVx拜客生活常识网


Chineseconsulates abroad usually require visa application documents to bedelivered in advance so that they can be thoroughly checked.DVx拜客生活常识网


Ifapplicants have previously been fingerprinted at the consulate, theirpresence at the Consulate may not be necessary.DVx拜客生活常识网


If,on the other hand, the fingerprints have never been deposited at aChinese consulate, the applicant is likely to receive an invitationfor fingerprintings and an interview with the consul.


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