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常驻编辑 科普中国 2022-08-14 矫顽力   孤子   地幔   乳糖   骨盆   鸟类   牛奶   摘要   特征   自然   链接   论文


在此,我们介绍一种克服此类困境的方法。我们设计了一种Fe-Co-Ni-Ta-Al多元合金(MCA),它具有铁磁基体和顺磁性相干纳米颗粒(尺寸约为 91nm,体积分数约为 55%)。它们阻碍位错运动,增加强度和延展性。它们的小尺寸、低相干应力和小静磁能在磁畴壁宽度以下产生相互作用体积,导致畴壁钉扎最小化,从而保持软磁性。JRN拜客生活常识网

这种合金在54%的拉伸伸长率下抗拉强度为1336 MPa,矫顽力为78 Am 1(小于1 Oe),饱和磁化强度为100 A m2 kg 1,电阻率为103 μΩ cm。JRN拜客生活常识网


The electrification of transport, households and manufacturing leads to an increase in energy consumption owing to hysteresis losses. Therefore, minimizing coercivity, which scales these losses, is crucial. Yet meeting this target alone is not enough: SMMs in electrical engines must withstand severe mechanical loads; that is, the alloys need high strength and ductility. Here we introduce an approach to overcome this dilemma. We have designed a Fe–Co–Ni–Ta–Al multicomponent alloy (MCA) with ferromagnetic matrix and paramagnetic coherent nanoparticles (about 91 nm in size and around 55% volume fraction). They impede dislocation motion, enhancing strength and ductility. Their small size, low coherency stress and small magnetostatic energy create an interaction volume below the magnetic domain wall width, leading to minimal domain wall pinning, thus maintaining the soft magnetic properties. The alloy has a tensile strength of 1,336 MPa at 54% tensile elongation, extremely low coercivity of 78 Am 1 (less than 1 Oe), moderate saturation magnetization of 100 A m2 kg 1 and high electrical resistivity of 103 μΩ cm.JRN拜客生活常识网




Self-emergence of robust solitons in a microcavityJRN拜客生活常识网


作者:Maxwell Rowley, Pierre-Henry Hanzard, Antonio Cutrona et al.JRN拜客生活常识网







Here we show that the slow non-linearities of a free-running microresonator-filtered fibre laser can transform temporal cavity solitons into the system’s dominant attractor. This phenomenon leads to reliable self-starting oscillation of microcavity solitons that are naturally robust to perturbations, recovering spontaneously even after complete disruption. These emerge repeatably and controllably into a large region of the global system parameter space in which specific states, highly stable over long timeframes, can be achieved.


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