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常驻编辑 科普中国 2022-08-29 外星   诺贝尔奖   特斯拉   银河系   光速   行星   外星人   无处不在   宇宙   历史   文明







Musk:I wonder how many dead one planet civilizations there are out there in the cosmos, maybe they're among us I don't know. Yes it's funny, the universe appears to be 13.8 billion years old. The earth like four and a half billion years old. You know another half billion years or so, the sun will expand and probably evaporate the oceans, and make life impossible on earth, which means that if it had taken consciousness 10% longer evolve, it would never have evolve at all.6Ts拜客生活常识网

But I think this is one of the great questions in physics and philosophy is where are the aliens? Maybe the're among us I don't know.6Ts拜客生活常识网

Media:Do you think we'll make contact with alien tithin the next 15 years?6Ts拜客生活常识网

Well, that's a really tough one to say, so what I suggest is this great question called the Fermi paradox like where are the aliens. Like, if there's so many planets out there and the universe is almost 14billion years old. Why, why aren't the aliens everywhere? And this is one of the most perplexing questions.6Ts拜客生活常识网

If there are super intelligent aliens out there, they're probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely. And we just are not smart enough to realize it.6Ts拜客生活常识网

Any advanced alien civilization that was at all interested populating the Galaxy, even without, exceeding the speed of light. Even if you're only moving it, say 10 or 20 percent of the speed of light, you could populate the entire galaxy. In let's say 10 million years, maybe 20 million years max, this is nothing in the grand scheme of things.#马斯克# #特斯拉# #外星# #文明# #中国“诺贝尔奖”揭晓# 6Ts拜客生活常识网





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