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Yi Gang: At the global level, the People's Bank of China has worked with all parties to mobilize social capital to address climate change.TcG拜客生活常识网

First, China co-chaired the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group. Last year, the G20 resumed the Sustainable Finance Working Group, co-chaired by the People's Bank of China and the US Treasury. The working group has completed the G20 Sustainable Finance Roadmap as an important global guidance for mobilizing social capital to address climate change. This year, our priority is to develop the framework for transition finance, to guide social capital to support low-carbon transition of high-emission sectors.TcG拜客生活常识网

Second, we have made progress in harmonizing taxonomies with our European counterparts. The People's Bank of China and the European Commission have been comparing green finance taxonomies since 2020. In November last year, we published the Common Ground Taxonomy, proposing 55 mutually recognized economic activities that could mitigate climate change. We have just upgraded the Common Ground Taxonomy on June 3rd this year, adding another 17 economic activities. The groundbreaking work could facilitate cross border green capital flows. To date, the China Construction Bank and the Industrial Bank have issued green bonds under Common Ground Taxonomy. Some emerging market economies also refer to this taxonomy.TcG拜客生活常识网

Third, we have leveraged green finance to build a green “Belt and Road”. In 2019, the People's Bank of China offered guidance in launching the Green Investment Principles (GIP) for the Belt and Road, outlining seven principles for green investment. As of May 2022, the GIP membership have expanded to 41 signatories and 14 supporters.TcG拜客生活常识网

The People's Bank of China is also working with the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), the FSB and the BCBS on various fronts, including regulatory standards for green finance.TcG拜客生活常识网

Going forward, the PBOC will continue to strengthen international cooperation on green finance through multilateral and bilateral platforms to create an enabling environment for China to achieve the target of carbon peaking and neutrality.TcG拜客生活常识网







CGTN: The Chinese economy has been facing some downward pressures, and the RMB exchange rate has depreciated recently. What is the current stance of China’s monetary policy and how would it support economic recovery?TcG拜客生活常识网


Yi Gang: China’s monetary policy is accommodative in supporting the real economy. Growth of broad money M2 and total social finance is in line with the nominal GDP growth rate, and provide ample liquidity and support to small- and medium-sized enterprises with the purpose of maximizing employment.


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