

1、 当患者进行体力劳动时,会出现心慌气短、易疲乏、呼吸不畅的感觉。
2、 当患者的身体处于劳累或精神处于紧张状态时,可出现胸骨后、心前区闷痛或者紧缩样疼痛,这种疼痛感甚至能蔓延至左肩和左臂,并维持4分钟左右,待患者得到休息之后,不适感便随之消失。
3、 当患者遭受寒冷、惊吓等刺激或者饱腹之后,会感觉到心悸、胸痛。

4、 当患者身处人多的公共场所时,比正常人更易发生缺氧、心悸和胸闷等状况。
5、 患者睡觉时需要高枕头,因为低枕卧位会让其感觉憋气;另外,患者可在熟睡中惊醒,并产生胸闷、气短、心悸的感觉,转坐位后方可缓解。
6、 患者用劲时会产生胸闷气短等不适感。
7、 周边的噪音可轻易让患者出现心慌气短、胸闷等症状。
8、 体育锻炼可使患者发生关节疼痛、头痛等。
9、 左肩疼痛感会反复出现,且一般治疗手法无法治愈。
Ten early manifestations of coronary heart disease
Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “Health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Bai Chuanwei, a doctor of Anyang Daojian Hospital.Today, I'd like to talk about the ten most common early manifestations of coronary heart disease.
Because of the high incidence rate of cardiovascular disease, many patients are guilty of coronary heart disease. But in fact, the early onset of coronary heart disease is the best treatment period,if we can detect symptoms in the early stage and give timely treatment, patients can avoid suffering more pain, and benefit a lot.So, what are the manifestations of early coronary heart disease?
When patients do physical work, there will be palpitation, shortness of breath, fatigue or poor breathing.
When the patient's body is tired or in a state of mental tension, there may be dull pain or constriction pain in the back of sternum and precordial area.This kind of pain can even spread to the left shoulder and left arm, and maintain for about 4 minutes,and after the patient gets a rest, the discomfort will disappear.
When patients suffer from cold, fright and other stimulation or satiety, they will feel palpitation and chest pain.
When patients are in public places with many people, they are more likely to suffer from hypoxia, palpitation and chest tightness than normal people.
The patient needs a high pillow when sleeping, because the patient in the low pillow position will feel suffocated.in addition, the patient may wake up from a deep sleep, and produce the feeling of chest tightness, shortness of breath and palpitation, and the symptoms will be relieved after sitting up.
When patients do physical work, they will have chest tightness, shortness of breath and other discomfort.
When there is noise around, patients are prone to panic, shortness of breath, chest tightness and other symptoms.
Physical exercise can cause joint pain, headache and so on.
Left shoulder pain will appear repeatedly, and general treatment effect is not good.
Uneven pulse can also occur frequently, tachycardia or bradycardia.
These are the early manifestations of coronary heart disease, if you have the above symptoms, please go to the hospital for further examination in time.To learn more about science knowledge, please pay attention to us.See you next time. I wish you all good health!