




Principles and methods of iron supplement therapy for iron deficiency anemia
Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “health talk for three minutes every day”,my name is Zhang Cui, a nurse of Daojian Doctor Group of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation.Today, I'd like to talk about the principles and methods of iron supplement therapy for iron deficiency anemia.
First, commonly used oral iron: ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous succinate.Reticulocyte began to rise 5-10 days after oral administration of iron, and hemoglobin began to rise after 1-2 weeks.After hemoglobin is normal, the patient should continue to take medicine for 3-6 months to replenish the iron reserve in the body.
Second, iron dextran is commonly used for injection, and its indications are as follows.
Patients can not tolerate oral iron treatment due to severe gastrointestinal reactions. Patients with digestive tract absorption disorders.Patients with severe digestive tract diseases who are aggravated after taking iron.
Third, etiological treatment. Correct eating habits, primary disease such as chronic blood loss, gastrointestinal diseases or other diseases should be treated.
Forth, attention should be paid to supplement iron containing food. There are two sources of iron in food, namely hemoglobin iron in meat, and ionic iron in vegetables, namely non hemoglobin iron.Forty percent of iron in meat, fish and poultry can be absorbed, less than 10% of iron in eggs, cereals, hard fruits, beans and other vegetables can be absorbed by human body,while iron in spinach can only absorb about 2%. Therefore, iron supplement should be based on meat, chicken, fish and other animal foods rich in hemoglobin iron, and attention should be paid to how to improve the absorption rate of iron, such as paying attention to the combination of meat and vegetable food can improve the iron absorption rate. Fermented grain can also improve the iron absorption rate, such as steamed bread, cake, etc.