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Fifth, increase vitamin C intake. Vitamin C can promote the absorption of non hemoglobin iron in vegetables. If we take lemon juice, orange juice and vegetables which are rich in vitamin C at the same time, we can increase the absorption rate of iron in vegetables by 2-3 times. If iron supplements are given at the same time, they should also be taken with vitamin C.axR拜客生活常识网


Sixth, provide a high protein diet.On the one hand, high protein diet can promote the absorption of iron, on the other hand, it is also a necessary substance for human body to synthesize hemoglobin.axR拜客生活常识网


Seventh, correct the bad eating habits,and correct the long-term partial food and vegetarians to change their eating habits,so as to ensure their intake of iron and various nutrients.axR拜客生活常识网


Eighth, it is not suitable to drink tea and coffee.Limiting foods with high tannin, such as caffeine in coffee, can reduce the absorption of iron in food. Phosphate and tannic acid in tea can also combine with iron to form insoluble complex,which can significantly reduce the absorption of iron. Therefore, in the diet, especially in the consumption of iron diet, do not drink tea, coffee, in particular, you can't drink strong tea.axR拜客生活常识网


OK, today’s sharing is over now.To learn more about cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us. See you next time.axR拜客生活常识网


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