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常驻编辑 养生粥 2022-12-03 术后   支架   后遗症   心脏   胸痛   冠状动脉   内膜   血栓   生活方式   冠心病   狭窄   药物   病人   患者   手术


2、 Sequelae of coronary stent implantationwpQ拜客生活常识网

The sequelae of coronary stent implantation include stent thrombosis, stent restenosis and so on.wpQ拜客生活常识网


1. Early stent thrombosis.wpQ拜客生活常识网

After stent placement, if the patient suddenly has severe chest tightness, chest pain, and ST segment elevation on ECG, myocardial enzyme spectrum indicates abnormal myocardial enzyme, then the patient needs to do a second coronary angiography, balloon dilatation or re implantation of stent can be taken.wpQ拜客生活常识网

2. Stent restenosis.wpQ拜客生活常识网

More than 6 months or 1 year after stent implantation, if patients have chest tightness and chest pain, most of them are related to unhealthy lifestyle and irregular drug use, which are manifested as stent intimal hyperplasia and restenosis of vessels outside the stent. High pressure balloon dilatation, drug balloon dilatation or stent implantation can be used.wpQ拜客生活常识网

3. Avoid stent complications.wpQ拜客生活常识网

The operation should be carried out carefully and the balloon should be fully expanded.Coronary artery stent implantation is only the beginning of treatment, but also the main means of treatment. Patients should not think that everything will be OK after coronary artery stent implantation. They should also pay attention to strict lifestyle control and drug treatment to ensure the normal function of stent.wpQ拜客生活常识网


If patients do not improve their lifestyle, such as smoking for a long time, eating fish and meat, and not paying attention to diet, it is likely to lead to intimal injury, early in stent restenosis and severe thrombosis. In addition, patients also need long-term oral antiplatelet and lipid-lowering drugs to stabilize plaque, especially within one year after stent implantation.If there is no special case, it is necessary to take two antiplatelet drugs in combination. If the patients stop antiplatelet drugs in the early stage, the above conditions may occur in the later stage, such as stent thrombosis, stent restenosis and so on.wpQ拜客生活常识网


Therefore, after cardiac stent implantation,patients need to carry out strict lifestyle control and correct implementation of doctor's advice to ensure the patency of blood vessels.wpQ拜客生活常识网


Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more about cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us.wpQ拜客生活常识网


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