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常驻编辑 网络热点 2022-09-20 火星   中国   航天器   国际   美国   嫦娥   月球   宇航   联合会   航天   团队

The results of their search for water-bearing minerals on Utopia Planitia in the northern lowlands of Mars were reported in Science Advances in May.EA6拜客生活常识网


Landing a spacecraft on the surface of Mars is one of the hardest things to do in planetary exploration. Due to the red planet’s low atmospheric pressure, the spacecraft needs to be slowed down around 7 minutes before touching the ground – and do so on its own because it is too far away to receive instructions from the Earth in time.EA6拜客生活常识网



China and the United States are the only countries to have landed a spacecraft on Mars, and Tianwen 1’s touchdown prompted calls for collaboration between the space nations.EA6拜客生活常识网


Asked in Paris about cooperation with China, Nasa administrator Bill Nelson reportedly said it was “up to China” and there needed to be openness and transparency from the Chinese side.EA6拜客生活常识网


However, Nasa is not allowed to cooperate with China because of the Wolf Amendment, a US law that has been in place since 2011 to prevent the agency from working with Chinese commercial or government space agencies on a bilateral basis.EA6拜客生活常识网

然而,由于《沃尔夫修正案》(Wolf Amendment),美国宇航局不被允许与中国合作。《沃尔夫修正案》是美国自2011年开始实施的一项法律,旨在阻止Nasa与中国商业或政府太空机构在双边基础上合作。EA6拜客生活常识网

China does not have any law prohibiting cooperation with other spacefaring nations. Three European instruments went up on the Chang’e 4 mission and last week, the CNSA reached an agreement with the United Arab Emirates to help release their Rashid II rover during the Chang’e 7 mission to the moon’s southern polar region around 2026.EA6拜客生活常识网


China and the US are pushing ahead with their own missions to bring back rocks from Mars, possibly as early as 2031.EA6拜客生活常识网



The IAF is a non-governmental organisation established in 1951 to promote and coordinate global space activities, with members from major space agencies, companies, and research institutions worldwide.EA6拜客生活常识网


The federation launched the World Space Award in 2013 to recognise a “most eminent person or team” who has made “an exceptional impact” to the progress of the world space activities.


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