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The laws of physics say that in the distant future, all change and activity in the cosmos will come to an end. Can that fate be postponed?kub拜客生活常识网

One very hot day this summer, during a morning swim, my mind wandered to a different version of climate change: the “heat death” of the universe. Ironically, though it remains a plausible outcome for cosmic history, it’s a less distressing subject than our own warming planet.kub拜客生活常识网

The idea of heat death arose with the scientific understanding of heat itself in the 19th century. The core idea is simple: Physical systems tend to settle toward equilibrium. For example, heat will tend to flow from a hot body into an adjacent cold body, cooling the former and warming the latter, until both reach the same intermediate temperature, after which heat is no longer exchanged.kub拜客生活常识网

Ultimate equilibrium and stasis can be postponed by the injection of energy, but only temporarily. Engines can be refueled, animals fed, batteries recharged; but engines wear down, animals die, and batteries lose their juice.kub拜客生活常识网

These common observations are generalized and sharpened in the science of thermodynamics. The capstone of thermodynamics is its so-called Second Law, first formulated mathematically by Rudolf Clausius in 1865, which states that entropy, a measure of disorder, increases over time—distinctive structure erodes. Featureless equilibrium is the state of maximum entropy, toward which the Second Law drives us.kub拜客生活常识网

The inexorable logic of the Second Law leads, in the long run, to a bland universe wherein nothing changes-that is, heat death. Modern physical cosmology has fleshed out that conclusion. Gravity wants matter to clump, but in the early universe, matter’s distribution was extremely uniform, so gravity was way out of equilibrium. Over time, gravity has sought to come into equilibrium, notably by condensing stars out of gas clouds. The high density and pressure found inside stars ignites nuclear fuel.kub拜客生活常识网

Nuclear burning injects heat and powers a dynamic universe. But this is a temporary reprieve. After a few tensof billions of years, stars everywhere will have exhausted their fuel and winked out.kub拜客生活常识网

There are several ways that our distant descendants, or other embodiments of mind in the universe, might resist heat death. Here are some ideas that occurred to me as I swam:


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