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常驻编辑 理财 2022-09-23 世贸组织   商务部   我国   美方   美国   协定   对外开放   此举   格局   战略   贸易


Containers are unloaded at Qingdao Port in Shandong province. [Photo by Yu Fangping/For China Daily]4fq拜客生活常识网

China will advance its free trade agreement strategy to effectively connect domestic and foreign markets and relevant resources, in terms of "expanding scope, improving quality and raising efficiency", the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.4fq拜客生活常识网


"Through that, China aims to provide institutional support for its high-level opening-up and better serve its construction of the new dual-circulation development pattern," said MOC Spokeswoman Shu Jueting at a news conference.4fq拜客生活常识网


The new development pattern takes the domestic market as the mainstay while letting domestic and foreign markets reinforce each other.4fq拜客生活常识网


The nation has signed 19 free trade agreements with 26 countries and regions, and its trade value with FTA partners accounts for around 35 percent of its total trade, data from the ministry showed.4fq拜客生活常识网


"China will negotiate and sign free trade agreements with more willing trading partners, to jointly promote regional economic integration, liberalization and facilitation for trade and investment," she said.4fq拜客生活常识网


"We will further increase the proportion of zero tariffs in goods trade, expand market access for investment and services trade, actively participate in negotiations on new rules for new fields such as the digital economy and environmental protection, and promote the construction of a new system for higher-level open economy," she said.4fq拜客生活常识网


Shu also said the nation will intensify promotion and training on FTAs, to improve their utilization and bring more benefits to people and enterprises.4fq拜客生活常识网


Analysts said China has been following international rules and practices such as the World Trade Organization's principles while furthering its higher-level opening-up, which is in sharp contrast to recent moves made by the United States.4fq拜客生活常识网


Those US moves include the discriminatory electric vehicle subsidy provisions in the newly passed US Inflation Reduction Act and the decision to further scrutinize foreign investments and transactions.4fq拜客生活常识网


"China has never set up special rules or standards targeting a specific nation, and the recent moves of the US are actually very discriminatory as they impose restrictions on certain industries and countries to serve US purposes," said Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing.4fq拜客生活常识网


"As the global supply chain suffers from instability, the US moves have sparked market worries over supply chain snarls, which could cause severe damage to the development of global trade," he said.4fq拜客生活常识网


At the conference, Shu said China is concerned about the discriminatory electric vehicle subsidy provisions in the US Inflation Reduction Act.


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