Another researcher figured that if it impacted them so much, maybe the public would want tosee it too.
So they made it available to all of us online, and that means that anyone could potentiallydiscover new examples of rare objects, or even entirely new ones.
Considering how awe-inspiring this 2D map is, it's amazing to think it's a stepping stone to abigger goal.
It was created to identify which galaxies and quasars the Dark Energy SpectroscopicInstrument, or DESI, will survey.
This instrument will be able to measure the distances to objects located up to 12 billionlightyears away.
DESI will also measure the redshift of these objects to determine how fast they're movingaway from us.
With this information, astronomers and cosmologists will be able to create a 3D map of a hugeportion of the