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常驻编辑 养生粥 2022-12-03 安阳   临终关怀   疾患   骨骼   背部   膝盖   关节   器官   肌肉   患者   灵活   老人   功能   医院   更多


The more organs are used, the more flexible they are.kpB拜客生活常识网

As we all know, the more machines are used, the more flexible they are,and the longer they are idle, they will rust. The same is true of our organs.If we don't often stimulate our muscles, we will atrophy.If we sit for a long time, or climb mountains and get injured,we can't recover for a long time because of the degeneration of muscles. If you don't want to move at this time,muscle degeneration and bone calcium loss will occur,making the injured area weaker.At this time, we need to do exercise and rehabilitation,so that muscles, bones and other tissues get the corresponding stimulation, which is conducive to the recovery of normal function.kpB拜客生活常识网


People will grow old one day, and they need rehabilitation more when they are old.kpB拜客生活常识网

Even if you are not sick or painful now, people will always be old.A perfect elderly service system should not only provide a happy and independent living environment,but also provide perfect medical services, dignified hospice care, and seamless rehabilitation service connection, so as to form a rehabilitation and pension service system with appropriate scale, complementary functions, safety and convenience.kpB拜客生活常识网

After rehabilitation treatment,most of the elderly have recovered their organs function and can return to their homes or nursing homes to live independently.This is a happy thing for the elderly,but also reduces a lot of social burden.kpB拜客生活常识网


All clinical departments need rehabilitation.kpB拜客生活常识网

1.Rehabilitation of neurological diseases.kpB拜客生活常识网

2.Rehabilitation of bone joint and motor system diseases.kpB拜客生活常识网

3.Rehabilitation of chronic pain.kpB拜客生活常识网

4.Rehabilitation of cardiopulmonary and visceral diseases.kpB拜客生活常识网

At present, there are many methods of rehabilitation treatment, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychological therapy, community rehabilitation and traditional rehabilitation therapy.Our rehabilitation therapists will make different rehabilitation plans according to the specific conditions of the patients, and then give patients passive movement, active movement, resistance movement, balance and coordination training.kpB拜客生活常识网


Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more about health knowledge, please pay attention to us. See you next time.kpB拜客生活常识网


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