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How to review after coronary stent implantation?

Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Bai Chuanwei, a doctor of Anyang Daojian Hospital.Often patients who have finished coronary stent implantation will ask the doctor how long to come to the hospital for review after the operation and what specific items need to be reviewed. Today, I'd like to talk about the problems related to the review after coronary stent implantation.ICI拜客生活常识网


Coronary artery stent implantation is a kind of mechanical interventional therapy.Coronary artery stent implantation is a kind of mechanical interventional therapy.It is to place the metal stent permanently in the lesion of coronary artery and support the vessel wall by balloon dilation or self expansion, so as to ensure the patency of coronary artery lumen and reduce the mortality of acute myocardial infarction. The review after coronary stent implantation plays an important role in the detection of surgical efficacy and timely detection of risk factors. So, how to review the patients who have undergone coronary stent implantation?ICI拜客生活常识网


Generally speaking, if the operation of coronary artery stent implantation is successful,the problem of vascular stenosis of the main blood supply to the heart is solved, and complete revascularization is achieved, the symptoms of myocardial ischemia will be significantly reduced. The current stent materials and technology have been very mature.If patients after coronary stent implantation do not have typical symptoms of myocardial ischemia(paroxysmal chest pain, chest tightness, chest pain and other discomfort symptoms in patients with coronary heart disease before stent implantation will disappear), this situation shows that stent implantation can reduce vascular stenosis, and the operation is successful.There was no restenosis or stent thrombosis, which did not need to be reviewed.ICI拜客生活常识网

In fact, the most dangerous complications after stenting are stent thrombosis, stent restenosis and upper gastrointestinal bleeding, so it is very important for patients to have myocardial ischemia symptoms again.Go to the hospital for reexamination at any time when there are ischemic symptoms. If there are no symptoms, reexamination can be carried out according to the following time.


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