4、冠心病患者要戒烟限酒,饮食清淡一些,多吃新鲜蔬菜、水果、黑木耳、豆制品,可适当吃一些瘦肉、鱼类,尽量少吃过于油腻或高脂肪食物。如果可以的话,多喝绿豆汤、莲子汤、百合汤、菊花茶、荷叶茶等饮料。当然,冠心病患者还要保持大便通畅,要养成每日一次定时排便的习惯。 5、另外,夏季和冬季相比,用药数量上会有所区别,建议专科医生的指导下,对平时服用的治疗心脑血管病的药物作一些适当的调整;若外出旅行需随身携带硝酸甘油或单硝酸异山梨酯类等抗心绞痛药物。
Attention points for coronary heart disease patients in summer
Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “Health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Yang Lingna, a nurse of Daojian Doctor Group of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation.Today I will mainly introduce some attention points for coronary heart disease patients in summer.
Many people believe that coronary heart disease only occurs frequently in winter.But in fact, coronary heart disease still has a high incidence in summer compared to other diseases.This is because low pressure will affect the physical and mental health of the human body, high air humidity and blocked convection will make cardiovascular patients feel "suffocated ", even chest distress, shortness of breath and angina and so on.Therefore, coronary heart disease patients also have a lot of attention in summer,including life, diet, psychology, living and treatment and other aspects.
First, it's hot in summer, coronary heart disease patients should not stay outdoors for a long time,and they should pay attention to heatstroke prevention at the same time.Patients are advised to wear a hat or open an umbrella for outdoor activities, and enough drinking water should be prepared. Exercise time should not be too long, and patients should go out less when the weather is sultry and humid.In addition, the indoor air conditioning temperature should not be too low, keep it around 26 ℃ is best. Don't enter the air-conditioning room immediately as soon as you get back, as the coronary heart disease patients, especially in the elderly, the ability of self-regulation of body temperature is insufficient,and when the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, it is easy to lead to blood pressure surge.