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常驻编辑 养生粥 2022-12-03 冠心病   山梨   绿豆汤   患者   夏天   心绞痛   起居   通畅   心血管   湿度   炎热   老年人   体内   药物   事项   天气


Second, in summer with thunderstorms, the air pressure is easy to drop suddenly. At this time the heart rate will accelerate, which can lead to myocardial hypoxia.If people suffer from rain, the temperatures of inside and outside of the body form a sharp contrast, which is easy to induce coronary heart disease. Especially in the elderly, as their relatively poor resistance and slow internal emergency response, the probability of coronary heart disease induced by rain is three times than that of young people. People tend to catch a cold in summer, and soon bacteria creep in and aggravate heart disease if not treated timely.And cold is also an important inducement of acute attack of myocardial infarction, heart failure related with pulmonary heart disease or complicated infection.N8X拜客生活常识网


Third, in hot weather, people's mood is easy to get out of control, at this time you should keep a good state of mind, only mental balance can achieve physical balance, blood flow unobstructed, and keep away from the threat of myocardial infarction. Coronary heart disease patients should live orderly in summer, if you fall asleep relatively late, you should not get up too early, and you’d better supplement sleep at noon.And it’s best to drink some boiled water half an hour before going to bed, waking up in the middle of the night and after getting up in the morning.N8X拜客生活常识网


Forth, patients with coronary heart disease should quit smoking and limit alcohol, and their diet should be light.Eating more fresh vegetables, fruits, black fungus and bean products, and some lean meat, fish are recommended.Try to avoid foods that are too greasy or high in fat.It is recommended to drink more mung bean soup, lotus seed soup, lily soup, chrysanthemum tea and lotus leaf tea and other drinks.Of course, patients with coronary heart disease should also keep defecation unobstructed and develop the habit of regular defecation once a day.N8X拜客生活常识网


Fifth, there will be differences in the amount of medication in summer compared to winter.It is suggested that under the guidance of specialists, the drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should be adjusted appropriately.Coronary heart disease patients should carry anti-angina drugs with them when traveling, such as nitroglycerin or isosorbide mononitrate.N8X拜客生活常识网


Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more knowledge about Cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us.See you next time.N8X拜客生活常识网


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