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Can heart failure patients still exercise? The answers are all here


Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “Health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Zheng Junbo, a doctor of Daojian Doctor Group of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation.Today, I'd like to tell you whether patients with heart failure can exercise.ktb拜客生活常识网


Patients with heart failure are often cautious, and they dare not exercise.In fact, most patients can significantly improve heart function and quality of life and reduce the risk of death through regular exercise. The key is to exercise properly, through the right amount of exercise or activity, patients will feel comfortable, more energetic than before, and their night sleep will also be improved.ktb拜客生活常识网


How to exercise is very particular, next let's talk about it.ktb拜客生活常识网


What should we pay attention to before exercise?ktb拜客生活常识网

Measure the pulse before exercise. If the pulse is more than 100 beats per minute, it is not suitable to participate in sports or activities. In addition, warm-up before exercise can promote vasodilation. Do at least 10 minutes of stretching, walking or other activities.ktb拜客生活常识网


When is the best time to take exercise?ktb拜客生活常识网

In general, exercise once or twice a day for 20-30 minutes is OK, and it will be better to take exercise 2-3 hours after meals or 1 hour before meals. When the weather is very hot, it can be carried out in the morning or at night. Exercise should be carried out in the sun in winter. In short, you should choose the time not too cold or too hot to take exercises.ktb拜客生活常识网


What kind of sports can you do?ktb拜客生活常识网


Do what you can.ktb拜客生活常识网

Patients with heart failure should take part in the activities that the heart can bear and do everything at your power during the recovery period,but do not act too fast. As the heart function of patients with heart failure are very different from those of normal people.ktb拜客生活常识网

Start with small activities.ktb拜客生活常识网

The exercise and activity of patients with heart failure in rehabilitation period should start from the minimum, and be increased slowly, excessive exercise should be avoid. At the beginning, you should do some indoor activities accompanied and supervised by family members or medical staff, and then move to the outdoor after you can tolerate it. The walking distance should be increased gradually.ktb拜客生活常识网

Aerobic impedance exercise could be selected as the exercise mode.ktb拜客生活常识网

You can do walking, climbing stairs, swimming, cycling, dancing slow three or slow four, playing Taijiquan, Taijijian, etc., and you can also properly do some activities of limbs and joints, and the activity time should not be long.Proper strength exercise can enhance the movement of respiratory muscle (diaphragm and abdominal muscle), reduce dyspnea, improve quality of life, and enhance exercise tolerance. Low weight resistance exercise (such as dumbbell exercise) can enhance the strength of limbs and trunk muscles, and reduce fatigue.Generally, exercise 1 or 2 groups, repeated 12 to 15 times in each group, can make muscles get enough exercise.ktb拜客生活常识网

Do not do explosive sports or activities, such as sudden jumping, turning, lifting heavy objects, holding children, lifting wine bottle cap, throwing awayktb拜客生活常识网


What should we pay attention to in sports?ktb拜客生活常识网

Monitor symptoms during exercise or activity. If excessive fatigue, chest tightness, shortness of breath, precordial pain, headache, nausea, pale complexion and other symptoms occur during exercise,it means that the heart can not bear the amount of exercise, and you should stop immediately and have a full rest.ktb拜客生活常识网


How long is it appropriate to exercise?ktb拜客生活常识网

The ideal target is for patients to walk or pedal on the spot for 30 to 40 minutes (which can be pided into 10 minutes per session) within the expected heart rate range,3-5 times a week, and the expected heart rate is 20 beats / min more than that at rest.ktb拜客生活常识网


What should we pay attention to after exercise?ktb拜客生活常识网

After the exercise, it is necessary to carry out relaxation exercise, so as to gradually ease the muscles and reduce the discomfort after exercise.Through the appropriate amount of exercise or activity, patients can feel comfortable and feel more energetic than before.Good sleep at night without other discomfort symptoms indicates moderate exercise.If there are symptoms of discomfort or poor sleep, it means that the amount of exercise or activity is too large, you’d better reduce the amount of exercise or adjust the way of exercise.


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