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常驻编辑 理财 2022-09-23 东安   阿富汗   联合国   国务委员   美国   记者会   人权   双语   中方   中国   国家   全球



AFP: President Joe Biden in his speech at the UN General Assembly yesterday said he does not wish to seek a Cold War, nor does he wish to seek a conflict with China and he also mentioned China several other times, including in relation to the UN Xinjiang report. What’s China’s response?VkN拜客生活常识网


Zhao Lijian: China’s policy on the US has shown continuity and certainty. President Xi Jinping proposed that China and the US follow the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. They not only embody the experience that China-US relations have gained over the past 50 years, but also constitute the basic principle that both sides need to follow in order to keep bilateral ties on the right course. President Biden has made the “five-noes” commitment on many occasions. We hope that the US side will act on the statements made by the US leader, view China and China-US relations from the right perspective, return to the three China-US joint communiqués, which are of fundamental importance to the bilateral relationship, handle Taiwan-related issues prudently and properly, and uphold the political foundation of China-US relations. VkN拜客生活常识网


We hope that the US will work with China to find a way for the two major countries with different social systems, histories and cultures to get along and cooperate for win-win results. This will not only benefit the people of the two countries, but also contribute to world peace, stability and development.VkN拜客生活常识网


On your second question about Xinjiang, the so-called assessment of the human rights condition in Xinjiang released by the OHCHR is orchestrated and produced by the US and some Western forces and is completely illegal, and void. It is a patchwork of disinformation that serves as a political tool for the US and some Western forces to strategically use Xinjiang to contain China.VkN拜客生活常识网


In recent years, nearly 100 countries, including Muslim countries, have spoken out at the Human Rights Council, the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly and on other public occasions to support China’s justified position on issues including Xinjiang and oppose interference in China’s internal affairs in the name of so-called Xinjiang-related issues. They are the mainstream of the international community. The US and some Western forces seek to destabilize Xinjiang and use it to contain China. Their unjust, pernicious political agenda will not have people’s support and will only fail.VkN拜客生活常识网


The US side should face up to and address its own human rights issues such as racial discrimination, gun violence, violations of the Indigenous people’s rights, violations of immigrants’ rights, human trafficking, disinformation campaign, and indiscriminate unilateral sanctions. It should deliver a responsible account to the international community and the victims.VkN拜客生活常识网




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