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Foreign Ministry SpokespersonZhao Lijian's VkN拜客生活常识网

Regular Press Conference on September 22, 2022VkN拜客生活常识网




MASTV: World Bank President David Malpass said recently that “China’s unwillingness to deliver more stimulus during the current international slowdown is putting more pressure on the US to support international growth”. What is China’s comment? VkN拜客生活常识网


Zhao Lijian: As the largest emerging economy, China is a key locomotive and stabilizer of world economic growth. The China Economic Update released by the World Bank in June gave a positive review of China’s effective fiscal and monetary policies. During the China International Fair for Trade in Services this year, World Bank officials also said that China’s latest measures of further opening-up will boost post-COVID global economic recovery.VkN拜客生活常识网


The US, however, is another story. To resolve staggering inflation in the US, the Federal Reserve has resorted to rate hikes several times. The rapid appreciation of the US dollar has led to the depreciation of 36 currencies by at least one-tenth. This has left many developing countries in a bitter economic recession caused by currency depreciation, capital flight, the soaring cost of financing and debt repayment and imported inflation. Countless families were plunged into poverty overnight. The struggling world economy is taking yet another toll from this. The Wall Street Journal also pointed out recently that the dollar’s rapid rise is causing global economic woes.VkN拜客生活常识网


The US should adopt responsible economic and financial policies and act responsibly for safeguarding international financial stability and promoting world economic recovery. It is the US that the World Bank needs to focus its efforts on in this regard. VkN拜客生活常识网




Reuters: During a hearing before the US House Financial Services Committee on Wednesday, Republican congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer pressed US banking chief executives on how they would respond in the hypothetical event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. The chief executives all said they would follow US government guidance suggesting a reduced or even removal of their bank’s presence in the Chinese market. Does the foreign ministry have any comment? VkN拜客生活常识网


Zhao Lijian: The Taiwan question has always been the most central and sensitive issue in China-US relations. The US side needs to abide by the one-China principle and provisions in the three China-US joint communiqués, earnestly follow through on the US leader’s statement of not supporting “Taiwan independence”, and stop manipulating Taiwan-related issues.


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