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常驻编辑 理财 2022-09-23 东安   阿富汗   联合国   国务委员   美国   记者会   人权   双语   中方   中国   国家   全球


Wang Yi briefed the participants on a host of active measures taken by China to pursue a development path which is green and low-carbon and puts ecological conservation first. He said that China has announced its targets for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and will achieve the largest reduction in carbon intensity the world has ever seen and move from carbon peaking to carbon neutrality within the shortest time in world history. China has made steady progress in adjusting the energy structure, leading the world in the installed capacity and generation of wind and solar power. It has also produced and sold more new-energy vehicles than any other country. China has put in place a national carbon emissions trading scheme and established carbon market that covers the largest amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. China has increased the carbon sequestration capacity of its ecosystem, topping the world in terms of forest density increase and afforested areas. China is ready to work with all other countries to support the UN in playing a core role, practice true multilateralism, each do our part and unite our efforts to protect our home planet and create a better world for generations to come.VkN拜客生活常识网




Macau Monthly: The Countering Untrusted Telecommunications Abroad Act recently passed the US House of Representatives. This bill requires the Department of State to report the use of untrusted telecommunications equipment (and services) in US diplomatic missions overseas and allies and partners. It also requires certain securities issuers to disclose the use of such equipment from entities owned or controlled by the government of China or Russia. What is China’s comment? VkN拜客生活常识网


Zhao Lijian: Heh heh. This reminds people of a revelation from a former head of the British National Cyber Security Centre not long ago. He said that after the UK government was ready to cooperate with Huawei as the company was not found to pose any national security threats in 2019, the then senior director for Asian Affairs at the US National Security Council traveled to the UK and yelled at the UK representatives for five hours to pressure the UK to abandon Huawei.VkN拜客生活常识网


The US now intends to turn its coercive and bullying practices into rules through legislation. This exactly shows that by talking about the “rules-based order”, the US politicians are simply defending the US’s own hegemonic interests. And not even “close allies” like the UK can be spared from US coercion and bullying. Such hegemonic rules clearly have undermined world peace and international cooperation, which the US apparently does not care about.VkN拜客生活常识网


We urge the US to immediately correct its mistakes, stop its denigration and suppression of Chinese companies and remove the negative content about China from the bill. The Chinese government will continue to firmly defend Chinese companies’ legitimate rights and interests.


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