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Out of bed training.0UR拜客生活常识网

The training sequence is as follows: sitting, standing, bed moving, independent walking and indoor walking.Patients should continue to do the above actions after discharge.The range of exercise and the amount of exercise can be gradually increased, such as, walking training can gradually transition from slow walking to climbing stairs and walking fast. If the child received heart surgery, after the surgical incision healed, appropriate chest expansion exercise should be done to avoid chicken breast.0UR拜客生活常识网

Matters needing attention.0UR拜客生活常识网

If the heart rate is still more than 100 times per minute 10 minutes after the end of exercise, the amount of exercise should be appropriately reduced according to the situation. The amount of exercise should be set from small to large, and the time should be set from short to long, and the exercise should be done step by step.The interval between meals and exercise should be at least 1 hour,and the most suitable temperature for exercise is 4 ℃ - 30 ℃. If dizziness, headache, panic, nausea, vomiting and other discomfort occur during exercise,stop exercise immediately, and seek medical treatment if necessary.0UR拜客生活常识网


Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more about Coronary heart disease, please pay attention to us. See you next time.0UR拜客生活常识网


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