(1)DASH 饮食计划过程中可以喝咖啡吗?

对于大多数血压正常的健康人来说,每天喝 3~4 杯咖啡都是安全的。需要强调的一点是,咖啡因会引起血压的轻微升高(5~10 毫米汞柱),这意味着高血压患者需要谨慎饮用咖啡。
(2)DASH 饮食计划过程中需要体育锻炼吗?

DASH 饮食配合体育锻炼会产生更好的降压效果。基于体育锻炼对身体健康的积极意义,官方建议每天进行 30 分钟的适当锻炼。但是,选择自己喜欢并可以持之以恒的运动方式更为重要。
常见中等强度运动:快走(每公里 9 分钟);跑步(每公里 6 分钟);骑单车(每公里 4 分钟);游泳(20 分钟);家务(60 分钟)。
(3)DASH 饮食计划过程中可以饮酒吗?

饮酒过量会升高血压。经常性饮酒超过 3 杯/天会增加患高血压和心脏病的风险。在 DASH 饮食计划实施过程中,需少量饮酒并且成年男性饮酒不超过 2 杯/天,成年女性饮酒不超过 1 杯/天。
低盐 DASH 饮食计划是公认的最有效的降压饮食方法

低盐版 DASH 饮食法建议每人每天摄入的钠不超过 3/4 茶匙(1500 mg)。
Does the implementation of DASH diet need to change the existing lifestyle?
Does the implementation of DASH diet need to change the existing lifestyle?
(1)Can I have coffee during DASH diet planning?
The DASH diet does not limit coffee consumption. Coffee may cause short-term blood pressure rise, and this effect is more obvious in patients with hypertension,but it does not cause long-term blood pressure rise or increase the risk of heart disease. For most healthy people with normal blood pressure, drinking three to four cups of coffee a day is safe.
It should be emphasized that caffeine causes a slight increase in blood pressure (5-10 mm Hg), which means that people with hypertension need to drink coffee carefully.
(2)Do I need physical exercise in DASH diet planning?
DASH diet combined with physical exercise can produce better antihypertensive effect. Based on the positive effect of physical exercise on physical health,the official recommends 30 minutes of proper exercise every day.However, it is more important to choose the way you like to exercise and you can stick to. Moderate intensity exercises include fast walking (9 minutes per kilometer), running (6 minutes per kilometer), cycling (4 minutes per kilometer), swimming (20 minutes), housework (60 minutes).
(3) Can alcohol be consumed during DASH diet planning?
Drinking too much can raise high blood pressure.Regular drinking more than 3 cups / day increases the risk of hypertension and heart disease.During the implementation of DASH diet plan,a small amount of alcohol should be consumed, and adult men should not drink more than 2 cups / day, and adult women should not drink more than 1 cup / day.
Low salt DASH diet is recognized as the most effective way to reduce blood pressure.
For patients with hypertension, reducing salt intake can significantly affect blood pressure. In addition, too little salt intake can cause some health problems, such as increasing the risk of heart disease, insulin resistance and fluid retention. The low salt DASH diet recommends no more than 3 / 4 teaspoon (1, 500 mg) of sodium per person per day.