
1.精神养生,杜绝上火 为防止“上火”,大家应做好精神养生,保持平和的心态,切忌狂喜大怒而伤心,要多做一些平静的事情,如绘画、练书法、听音乐、下棋、种花、钓鱼等,以调节紧张的情绪,保持心情舒畅。

2.多进稀食,生津止渴 多进稀食是夏季饮食养生的重要方法,特别是老年人在初夏的每天清晨,最好空腹饮一大杯温开水,可以有效地防止中风的发生。当然还可以在早、晚进餐时食粥,午餐时喝汤,既能生津止渴、清凉解暑,又能补养身体,有利于调节身体的阴阳平衡。此外,鸭肉、虾、鲫鱼、瘦肉、食用蕈[xùn]类(香菇、蘑菇、平菇、灰树花等)、薏米等,同样具有增进食欲、补充营养、消暑健身的功效。

3.调整作息,适当午休 立夏之后,可适当调整人体生物钟,养成晚睡早起的习惯,顺应自然界阳盛阴虚的变化,增加午休。中午1时到3时是一天中气温最高的时候,人容易出汗,稍活动就会因出汗多消耗体力,极易疲劳。所以,中午可以听听音乐或闭目养神,最好不要加班工作。午睡时间要因人而异,一般以半小时到1小时为宜,时间过长反而会让神气受损。

4.有氧运动,多饮温水 立夏后,随着气温升高,人们容易汗出,“汗”为心之液,消耗体力的运动对身体都会有一定损伤,所以,此时运动不可过度出汗。应适当地做一些有氧运动,例如:如太极拳、太极剑、散步、瑜伽等。每次大约30分钟,让身体微微出汗即可。此外,运动后要适当饮温水,补充体液。

Four Things for Summer Health Cultivation
Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “Health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Xie Xiumin, a nurse of Daojian Doctor Group of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation.Today I will mainly introduce the four things for summer health cultivation.
Grain budding marks the arrival of hot and humid summer days,and people should be prepared to keep healthy in summer from the beginning of summer.Especially for the old people,their Qi and blood are easily sluggish, and their blood vessels are easily blocked in the early summer.Myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia and elevated blood pressure caused by anger are not uncommon,and anger can even cause sudden death.
First, keep a mental health cultivation to avoid irritated.
In order to prevent "fire ", we should keep a good mental health cultivation,maintain a peaceful state of mind,don't hurt your heart with ecstasy and rage.You can do more peaceful things, such as painting, practicing calligraphy, listening to music, playing chess, planting flowers and fishing and so on,to regulate the nervous emotions and keep the mood comfortable.
Second, drink more lean food can help engender liquid and allay thirst.
Eating more lean food is an important way to keep healthy diet in summer,especially for the elderly, it is best to drink a large glass of warm water on an empty stomach every morning in early summer,which can effectively prevent stroke.Of course, we can also eat porridge in the morning and evening, and drink soup at lunch, which can not only engender liquid and allay thirst, cool and relieve summer heat,but also nourish the body and help regulate the balance of Yin and Yang of the body.Besides, duck meat, shrimp, crucian carp, lean meat, edible mushroom kinds (e.g. mushrooms, oyster mushroom, grifola frondosa, etc.), coix seed and so on, also have the effect of improving appetite, replenishing nutrition and relieving summer heat and fitness.