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常驻编辑 养生粥 2022-12-03 大杯   夏季   生津止渴   立夏   有氧运动   午休   温水   初夏   心血管   老年人   气温   体力   消耗   身体   时间


Third, adjust your schedule and take a proper lunch break.zER拜客生活常识网

After the beginning of summer, you can adjust the body's natural clock properly,develop the habit of going to bed and getting up early,conform to the change of Yang sthenia and Yin asthenia in nature, and increase your lunch break.From 1:00 to 3:00 noon is the highest temperature period of the day,during this period, people are prone to sweating, and a little exercise will consume more physical strength due to sweating, and people are easy to feel tired..Therefore, you can listen to music or keep your eyes closed at noon,it is best not to work overtime.Napa vary from person to person,usually half an hour to one hour is OK,otherwise, taking a long nap will damage your Qi.zER拜客生活常识网


Fourth, do aerobic exercise and drink more warm water.zER拜客生活常识网

After the beginning of Summer, people sweat more as the temperature rises,"Sweat" is the fluid of the heart,physical exertion will do harm to the body.Therefore, it is advisable to exercise without excessive sweating at this time.You can do some aerobic exercises properly, such as tai chi, tai chi sword, walking and yoga, etc.Each exercise lasts about 30 minutes, and your body slightly sweating is the best state.In addition, drink some warm water properly after exercise to replenish the body fluids. zER拜客生活常识网


Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health! To learn more knowledge about cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us.See you next time.zER拜客生活常识网


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