

因术后极易引起腹胀,一般不宜饮食过饱,不宜进食不易消化的食物,不宜喝牛奶、豆浆、碳酸饮料,不宜吃生冷食物。最好吃-些粥类、汤类或半流质食物待可以下床活动后再如常进食。因害怕术后大、小便而不愿进食或喝水是错误的,这样会造成低血压、低血糖等严重后果特别不利于造影剂的排出,适量多饮水, 一般4小时内摄入量维持在1000~ 2000毫升



支架术后恢复一段时间后,患者可适当参加体育锻炼,运动量以不引起心脏不适或气短为指标,如果运动后脉搏大于休息时20次/分钟, 运动应减量,勿过度劳累,清淡饮食,一定保证充足的睡眠;保持大便通畅,勿用力排便,定期复查,如有不适及时就诊
How to care after cardiac stenting?
Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Hou Sijia, a nurse of Daojian Doctor Group of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation.Today, I'd like to talk about how to care after cardiac stent surgery.
Cardiac intervention is a new technology for diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. After puncturing the blood vessels on the body surface, it is sent into the cardiac catheter under the continuous projection of digital subtraction. It is a diagnosis and treatment method for heart disease through specific cardiac catheter operation technology. The nursing after cardiac stent implantation is also very important.
Diet nursing, drinking water moreBecause it is easy to cause abdominal distension after operation, it is generally not suitable to eat too much food,not easy to digest food, not to drink milk, soybean milk, carbonated drinks, not to eat raw and cold food. The postoperative diet was mainly porridge, soup or semi liquid food, and then normal diet after getting out of bed. It is wrong to be unwilling to eat or drink water for fear of inconvenient urination and defecation after operation, which will cause serious consequences such as hypotension and hypoglycemia, especially not conducive to the discharge of contrast medium. Drink more water in an appropriate amount. Generally, the water intake within 4 hours should be maintained at 1000 ~ 2000 ml.
Psychological care:
Interventional surgery is a serious psychological stressor for patients, which may directly affect the normal psychological activities.Postoperative patients should avoid emotional tension, reduce stimulation, maintain an optimistic attitude, and should not be angry, so as not to affect the postoperative recovery.
Take medicine according to the doctor's advice:
After discharge, they should take medicine on time according to the doctor's advice.