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Nutrition management and dietary principles for the elderly


Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “Health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Luo Shanshan, a doctor in the second cardiology department of Anyang Daojian Hospital and Henan Zhonghui Cardiovascular Hospital.Today, I'd like to talk about the nutrition management and dietary principles of the elderly.Cz2拜客生活常识网


The physical condition of the elderly has certain particularity.As people get older, their energy needs decrease significantly,but the demand for nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin D will increase.Especially if the diet of the elderly is restricted, we should be alert to the occurrence of malnutrition. The causes of malnutrition in the elderly are very complex, as follows.Cz2拜客生活常识网


Chewing ability decreased.Cz2拜客生活常识网

There are many oral problems in the elderly, such as tooth allergy, periodontitis, root loosening and shedding, which will affect eating and digestion.Cz2拜客生活常识网

Digestive capacity decline.Cz2拜客生活常识网

Many old people have teeth defect, the secretion of digestive juice and gastrointestinal peristalsis are weakened, leading to the phenomenon of loss of appetite and early satiety, resulting in insufficient food intake and early satiety.Cz2拜客生活常识网

Taste function declined.Cz2拜客生活常识网

In old age, taste function may decrease by 80% compared with young people, resulting in no appetite.In bad mood. Low mood can lead to loss of appetite, digestive dysfunction.Cz2拜客生活常识网

Diseases limit nutrient intake.Cz2拜客生活常识网

For example, chronic kidney disease and liver disease will limit the intake of protein, long-term medication will affect appetite and nutrient absorption,poor mobility, if the elderly lose the ability to go shopping or do self-made meals, appetite will be greatly reduced.Cz2拜客生活常识网


Nutrition management and dietary principles for the elderlyCz2拜客生活常识网

Small and multiple mealsCz2拜客生活常识网

The elderly who are older, frail or with significant weight loss should pay special attention to increasing the number of meals.In addition to three meals, two to three additional meals can be added to ensure adequate food intake. The elderly with small food intake should drink less soup water before meals and eat less boiled rice.Cz2拜客生活常识网


Make soft foodCz2拜客生活常识网

Cut food into small pieces or extend cooking time.Cz2拜客生活常识网


Meat food can be chopped into minced meat to make meatballs, fish and shrimp can be made into fillets, fish balls, fish soup, shrimp, etc.Cz2拜客生活常识网


Nuts, coarse cereals and other hard food can be crushed into powder or small particles to eat.Cz2拜客生活常识网


Choose the tender leaf vegetables. The hard fruits or vegetables can be crushed and squeezed for eating, the vegetables can be made into stuffing and crushed vegetables, or other delicious meals (such as dumplings, steamed buns, egg soup, etc.) together with other foods.Cz2拜客生活常识网

Full dose of waterCz2拜客生活常识网

The old people's tolerance to water shortage is declining, so they should take the initiative to drink water, and the daily drinking amount should reach 1500-1700 ml. Warm boiled water is preferred.Cz2拜客生活常识网

Plenty of foodCz2拜客生活常识网

The elderly should eat at least 12 kinds of food every day. Use a variety of methods to increase appetite and food intake, and eat three meals well everyday. Breakfast should include more than one or two kinds of staple food, one egg, one cup of milk, and other vegetables or fruits. Lunch and dinner should have more than two staple foods, one or two meat dishes, one or two vegetables and one bean product. The food should be less salt, less oil, less sugar, less spicy, seasoned with the natural flavor of food, with full of color, fragrance and taste and suitable temperature.


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