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常驻编辑 养生粥 2022-12-03 步频   高血压患者   安阳   中速   高血压   太极拳   快步   秘籍   血管   血压   呼吸   很大   身体   适合   效果   方式


Fast walkingRZQ拜客生活常识网


Fast walking is the easiest, most economical and most effective way of exercise, which can directly and effectively prevent hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other chronic diseases. This kind of exercise is suitable for people of all ages, with high safety and less side effects on the body.RZQ拜客生活常识网


However, since it is fast walking, there is still some emphasis on speed.In order to achieve the effect of exercise,you can choose medium speed walking, fast walking and extremely fast walking. Medium speed walking needs to ensure that the pace frequency per minute is between 90 and 120 steps.If it is fast walking, the pace frequency per minute needs to be between 120 and 140 steps.RZQ拜客生活常识网


2 joggingRZQ拜客生活常识网


Jogging, like brisk walking, can be carried out without special measures. Medical research has found that the amount of oxygen supplied by the human body during jogging is about eight times more than that at rest, which is very good for the heart and blood vessels. It can enhance the cardiopulmonary function, and also achieve the effect of reducing weight and blood lipids.For patients with high blood pressure is also very helpful, it can reduce blood pressure, relieve dizziness and insomnia caused by high blood pressure. When jogging, clench your hands slightly, keep your upper arm and forearm at 90 degrees, lean your upper body forward slightly, drive your body forward, and land your feet lightly.It's best to breathe with your nose when running. You can also breathe with your mouth in special circumstances.RZQ拜客生活常识网


3 TaijiquanRZQ拜客生活常识网


Taijiquan exercise is gentle, the whole body muscle relaxes, can make the blood vessel relaxes,promotes the blood pressure to drop. When playing Taijiquan, it is helpful to eliminate the stimulation of mental tension to the human body by guiding the action and concentrating the mind, so as to assist the decrease of blood pressure.RZQ拜客生活常识网


The treatment of hypertension should start from understanding and paying attention to hypertension, while maintaining good living habits and exercise habits, in order to maintain the normal function of the body.RZQ拜客生活常识网


OK, that's all for today's health education. Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more about cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us. See you next time!RZQ拜客生活常识网


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