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常驻编辑 养生粥 2022-12-03 不饱和   强度   脂肪酸   甘油   甜食   胆固醇   耐力   机体   血脂   分解   脂肪   体重   医生   效果   食品


We all know that hyperlipidemia needs exercise to adjust. The intensity of exercise during exercise is the key to achieve good effect of regulating blood lipid. If the exercise intensity is too small, the exercise effect can not be achieved. If the intensity of exercise is too high, it may lead to heart attack and even accidents.mpy拜客生活常识网


When doing moderate and low-intensity endurance exercise, fatty acids in adipose tissue and muscle will be free to meet the energy needs of the body. When doing high-intensity exercise, inositogen will be broken down and lactic acid production will be increased, which will inhibit body fat metabolism.Therefore, people with dyslipidemia should choose low intensity endurance exercise, such as walking and running,which can improve dyslipidemia.mpy拜客生活常识网


Walking and running exercise is simple and easy to operate without special exercise site requirements, and exercise intensity is easy to control. The forms include fast walking, jogging and alternating. Patients should master the intensity of exercise, if they feel particularly tired after exercise, sleep is not good or continuous muscle soreness, that may be excessive exercise.mpy拜客生活常识网


Only by persisting in exercise can you achieve good blood lipid improvement effect. Irregular exercise is not conducive to the improvement of blood lipid status, and it may lead to body fat growth and weight gain.If you have chest tightness, dizziness and other symptoms during exercise, you should slow down and gradually stop.mpy拜客生活常识网


Eight points for attention in patients with hyperlipidemiampy拜客生活常识网


First, limit high-fat food: choose foods with low cholesterol content, such as vegetables, bean products, lean meat, jellyfish, etc.you should eat more vegetables with more cellulose, which can reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. But we can't emphasize the limit of high fat intake, because some essential fatty acids are beneficial to the body. It is reasonable to eat a diet with more unsaturated fatty acids.mpy拜客生活常识网


Second, change cooking method.Cooking less oil, to steam, boil, cool pan as the main cooking methods. Eat less fried food.mpy拜客生活常识网

Third, restricted sweets: sugar can be converted into endogenous triglycerides in the liver, which increases the concentration of triglycerides in plasma,so the intake of sweets should be limited.mpy拜客生活常识网


Forth, weight loss: for people whose weight exceeds the normal standard, they should gradually lose weight under the guidance of doctors,and it is appropriate to lose 1-2kg per month. The diet principle of weight loss is low fat, low sugar and enough protein.mpy拜客生活常识网


Fifth, strengthen physical activity and physical exercise:physical activity can not only increase the consumption of heat energy, but also enhance the metabolism of the body, improve the activity of some enzymes, especially lipoprotein esterase, which is conducive to the transportation and decomposition of triglycerides, so as to reduce the lipid in the blood.mpy拜客生活常识网

Six,Quit smoking and drink lessmpy拜客生活常识网

Seventh, avoid excessive tension: emotional tension, excessive excitement, can cause blood cholesterol and triglyceride content to increase. When this happens, small doses of sedatives can be used (as directed by your doctor).mpy拜客生活常识网

Eighth, drug treatment: through the above methods, patients whose blood lipid can not be controlled should be given additional drug treatment. Please consult a professional doctor for the choice of medicine,and the doctor will make a choice according to the specific cause and condition.mpy拜客生活常识网


Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health! To learn more knowledge about cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us.See you next time.mpy拜客生活常识网


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